
CARE Team Reporting Form

It can be hard to know when a CARE report is needed. Some general guidelines include:

•如果您之前向CARE报告过该学生,但没有看到任何改善, have identified new concerning behavior, or the behavior is reoccurring

Campus/Center CARE Teams

Columbus / Ord

Grand Island / Holdrege / Kearney / Lexington


Team functions include: 


  • 利用校园内的专业知识,解决有关学生安全和福祉的问题.
  • 促进所有CCC员工,教师和办公室之间的一致沟通.


  • Determine referred student’s need for emotional, 心理或身体上的支持,并参考适当的资源.
  • 评估和确定校园社区的安全性和/或危害风险.


  • 确定校园和社区中可用的资源,并与他们建立积极的合作关系.
  • Promote our campus resources to students.


  • 为教职员提供专业发展及培训机会,以确保有效应对学生的困难(例如:预防自杀).
  • Promote and advocate for students’ overall mental well being.
Central 社区 College CARE Guide

在CCC, the CARE team (Consultation, Assessment, Resources, 和教育)与大学社区合作,帮助面对压力情况或表现出痛苦或潜在危险行为的学生找到解决方案.

Concerning Behavior

This list includes some specific examples of concerning behavior. The list is not comprehensive. 如果你注意到一个学生的行为不符合这个列表, a CARE report should still be submitted.

• Unusual sleep disturbances
• Unexpected mood changes
• Unusual interactions
• Unusual Self-isolation or over dependence
• Change in personal hygiene
• Overly insistent of others’ time & 注意
• Joking about killing self or others
• Heightened and inappropriate emotional response
• Bizarre behavior out of context for the situation
• Frequent & severe abuse of alcohol, other drugs
• Dehumanizing/objectifying others
• Verbally abusing or intimidating others
• Acting aggressively toward others
• Displays impulsive violence and/or explosive anger
• Self-harm, disordered eating
• Suicidal plans or ideation

关怀小组的首要任务是为有需要的学生提供支持. A CARE report is not a conduct report; however, 是否有违反CCC政策或违反法律的情况发生, the CARE Team will refer a student to the Conduct Office.

ABC’s of Documentation
A - About the Person 

name, relationship to reporter and to CCC

B - Behavior

body language, statements made, tone of voice, actions

C ——背景

日期 & 事件发生的时间,地点,发生在哪个班级,任何关于背景的重要信息

D ——细节


E - - - - - -的影响

impact to others, impact to you, impact to the student of concern

F - Follow-Up/ Response

did anyone intervene, how did the student respond to the intervention, has the incident been reported to the police, have you attempted to follow up with the student

Tips for Writing Useful Reports
1. Be objective & describe the behavior.

与其说“她令人毛骨悚然”,不如说:“她的行为让我感到不舒服. 在我们10分钟的谈话中,她来回踱步.”

2. Be specific and avoid general or vague descriptions.


3. Share only what the student has shared or what you know as fact:

“They are a student veteran who served in Afghanistan. 在我们的谈话中,他们透露自己被诊断出患有创伤后应激障碍. 当我提到咨询服务时,他们表示有兴趣见我们的一位咨询师.”

4. Write as if the student may see your report.

CARE reports are potentially subject legal information requests, such as those governed by the Family 教育al Rights & 《最热门的网赌网址大全》、《最热门的网赌网址大全》、《全世界最大的网赌网址》和传票. 学生有权审查他们的记录,并可以要求这样做. 如果你不确定如何传达你认为相关的信息, 请与CARE团队成员协商,而不是完全避免提交报告.

What comes next?

1. 一旦CARE报告被提交,它将被转发给校园学生副院长. 学生主任和咨询服务主任收到每份报告的副本. 涉及在线学生的报告将被发送给每位副院长,并根据学生的家庭住址和病例记录进行分配.

2. 副院长从报告中创建一个病例,并将该病例分配给CARE团队成员.

3. The case manager will reach out to:

  • The referrer/submitter 
  • The student of concern

4. 视乎个案的详情,个案管理员亦可联络:

  • 目击者
  • Student’s faculty and/or advisor
  • Residence Life

5. CARE团队将评估情况以及对学生或其他人造成伤害的任何潜在风险. 最初的CARE报告中的详细信息有助于CARE小组完成其风险评估, which will guide our intervention strategies.

6. If the student responds to the outreach, 个案经理将把他们与所有合适的校园和社区资源联系起来.

7. CARE team will close the case if:

  • 已经提供了支持,学生的情况已经改善或稳定
  • Student has not responded after 3 outreach attempts
  • Student responds but declines CARE team assistance
匿名 & Confidentiality

CARE团队采取合理的预防措施来维护提交CARE转诊的人的隐私, if requested. 有时, the nature of the report may mean we cannot ensure privacy, in which case the referrer will be informed. Depending on the nature of report, 还有一种可能是担心的学生能够推测出推荐人的身份, even if submitted anonymously. Individuals sometimes submit reports anonymously. 如果你选择匿名举报,请注意以下事项:
• 学生 often appreciate knowing who reported them, 因为这表明在他们的生活中有人关心他们的幸福, and having a name personalizes the process.